I'm obviously feeling so much better that I feel the need to do a bit more blogging.
The sun is shinning and the stove is keeping us all cosy, I've had a little snooze and even my brain is feeling fit, so here goes.
Again thank you to everyone who has left a comment on the blog, saying nice things and wishing us well. I find it hard to understand that my blog 'followers' has doubled to 24. Obviously there is nothing like a good medical drama to increase interested concern and again thanks.
Our stay in Selby has not been lonely, we have had visits from Kim and John, Marilyn and Brian and Colin and Barbara and a very surprise visit from John of N.B Tangine Queen on his way up North to join chums for some serious walking.
We have also visited the lovely market town of Knaresborough with its unusual painted windows. I amazed both Jacquie and myself by being able to walk up from the river to the castle with just a short stop to catch my breath that would have been impossible before my operation; the angina would have meant stopping several times until the pain subsided, what a result!
We have also visited my hospital chum Bob and Christine, twice at their home, which is in a magnificent setting, once whilst he was waiting for his operation following his MRSA infection and happily again a week or so following his successful valve replacement. We also keep in touch by phone and he is progressing well.
Jacquie, Duggie and I are regularly walking between four to six miles a day and my bottom half is feeling very fit and although Jacquie does allow me to look after the ash and coal for the stove and other boat chores my upper body feels a bit weedy, excepting of course that I was never was a Charles Atlas. However I have now started the rehabilitation course at York hospital and the team know that I expect to look a little like Charlton Heston in Ben Hur when they have done with me, although I have been told not to hold my breath.
The course is for six weeks, two hours, two days a week. The first hour is carefully controlled and monitored exercise. A waist strap and wrist watch continually show my heart rate and before, during and after exercise my blood pressure is taken. I have also enrolled onto a research project to confirm whether additional strength exercises are beneficial in the long term for cardiac patients. This means that I get to use weights and some machines which most certainly will be beneficial for me when we start cruising again, but at the moment my back is a bit achy but by Monday I shall be ready for the next session. The second hour is for informal talks and discussions relating to every aspect of recovery and our future well being. Without doubt we made the right decision to stay the winter in Selby and make the most of this excellent programme and all the other follow up appointments with my cardiologist and for blood tests etc.
Life is full of surprises, our computer throws a wobbly a couple of weeks, and firstly we couldn't send or receive emails through Outlook. My mate Andy who initially set up our web page enabled us to access our emails through the internet, but then we suddenly also lost our internet connection and for us that is really like being up a creak without a paddle. Whilst idly chatting to boating neighbour Pete, I casually mentioned our computer problem, when he said "Before I retired I was an IT communications expert, maybe I can sort it for you" One hour and a cup of strong tea later, the problem was solved. Our virus checker Norton had somehow got mashed and was blocking everything. Pete had a Norton removal tool on his 34G stick, he removed Norton, replaced it with AVG, a free virus checker and now everything is hunky dory, what a star.
Off to a pub quiz tonight with Pete and his Wife so we will have an opportunity to say thank with more than just a cup of tea.
That's it for now, but will occasionally post a blog to keep all interested followers up to date. Stay warm and dry.
1 comment:
Hi both, great to hear that your recovery is progressing well Mac and that Jacquie is not overdoing it either!
kind regards
Carol and George
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