Bright & Breezy was the weather forecast and that is what we got. We did walk into Yelvertoft for milk and bread enjoying, the warmth of the sunshine and then we cast off, determined to get to the end of the Welford Arm.
The Grand Union was in many places, anything but grand, reeds sprouted out from both sides of the canal making it one way working. For over 20 miles this part of the canal is totally lock free, with no exciting features, until you realize that for much of this section the canal runs high above the surrounding countryside on massive embankments and it is this major engineering achievement of that time that speeds you along at an un-interrupted full 3 miles per hour.

The entertainment, as we progressed was provided by a single engine aircraft towing gliders up into the blue, before whizzing back, to Husbands Bosworth Airfield, the tow line visible snaking about and then reappearing almost immediately with a another glider in tow. These pilots were obviously making the most of some descent flying weather.
The turn onto the Welford Arm was achieved smoothly despite the wind doing it’s best to disrupt the proceedings and we continued to the end , passing through an intimate wooded area and then the Ferry Inn greets you. We turned in the small basin and moored up, walked up into the little farming village and visited the Church and admired the beautifully painted pipes of it’s magnificent organ, before returning to the Ferry Inn. Well, what did you expect?