Happily Jacky had settled down to her first night afloat and slept very well. We had a leisurely start to the day, wandering around Braunston Marina and Boatyard, always a fascinating experience, before reversing Skyy back to the entrance to the marina entrance and doing a U turn and stopping off at Midland Chandlers to collect a replacement twin hooter, one of the trumpets failed very shortly after fitting it, good result!
We headed towards Rugby, but as I had had a phone call yesterday to confirm a pre. operation appointment for Monday morning, we didn’t quite get to Hilmorton Locks, so Jacky missed that experience, but we found a quite mooring space to spend the evening, but not before Jacky had a go at steering the boat, we then cruised the usual zig zag beginners course, before Jacky began to get the hang of steering to the left when you want to right and vice-s-versa.
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